Children and English as a foreign language


Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović (ed)


It is not often that there is a need to publish a book made up of chapters selected from three previously published books. The Croatian national research project Investigating learning and acquisition of foreign languages at an early school age (led by Mirjana Vilke) and its sequel Investigating learning and acquisition of foreign languages in primary school (led by Yvonne Vrhovac), with their unique experimental longitudinal design and involving four foreign languages, caught attention of the international audience from the very start. The interest has continued to this day.
With the growing importance of English as a modern lingua franca teaching English to young learners has spread to practically all parts of the world. This global change, combined with a lack of systematic studies into early language learning in the formal setting, has made findings such as those of the Croatian research highly valuable.
The three volumes describing early learning and teaching of English as a foreign language to Croatian young learners from which the chapters in this book were selected – all called Children and foreign languages – were published in 1993, 1995 and 2001, respectively. What is quite unique to the three volumes, and to the present book, is that they offer an in-depth view into early teaching and learning of English from two perspectives: the researchers’ perspective and the teachers’ perspective. 



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Author Biography

Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović

Diplomirala je engleski jezik i književnost i ruski jezik na Filozofskome fakultetu u Zagrebu 1977., gdje je i magistrirala 1985. te doktorirala 1991. (tema: Nastava engleskog jezika i motivacija za učenje).

Predavala je engleski i ruski jezik na srednjoj školi u Grubišnome polju (1997.-1981.) te u Centru za strane jezike Vodnikova u Zagrebu (1981.-1985.). Od 1985. do 2014. radila je na Odsjeku za anglistiku Filozofskoga fakulteta u Zagrebu. Bila predstojnica Katedre za metodiku (2000.-2014.), voditeljica Doktorskog studija glotodidaktike (2006-2010) te članica ili voditeljica niza fakultetskih i sveučilišnih stručnih tijela. Bila je glavna urednica časopisa Strani jezici (2006.-2000.) i predsjednica Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku (1993.-1996.). Za svoj znanstveni i stručni rad dobila je niz priznanja i nagrada. U zvanje redovitoga profesora u trajnome zvanju imenovana je 2008. godine, a u mirovinu je otišla 2014.

Glavna područja znanstvenoga interesa Jelene Mihaljević Djigunović odnose se na usvajanje i poučavanje stranoga jezika u ranoj dobi, individualne razlike učenika i obrazovanje nastavnika. Kao voditeljica ili suradnica sudjelovala je u 17 domaćih i međunarodnih znanstvenih projekata. Objavila je 12 knjiga (kao autorica ili su/urednica) i više od 100 znanstvenih članaka i poglavlja u knjizi.



svibnja 14, 2020

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