UZRT 2018: Empirical studies in applied linguistics
This volume stems from the University of Zagreb Round Table 2018 (UZRT 2018) conference, a yearly event which is organized alternately by the University of Pecs and the University of Zagreb.
The volume comprises nine empirical studies which cover various topics and contribute to the wealth of knowledge in the field of applied linguistics. The contributions tackle a number of questions pertaining to fundamental language skills, cognitive and affective factors in L2 language learning, multilingualism, aspects of language teacher education, blended learning, language assessment, and aspects of learners' contact with L2 outside the classroom.
Even though most of the papers have the English language as their direct or indirect focus, we believe that the range of educational and sociolinguistic settings as well as the fact that they address both teachers and learners as subjects of inquiry make the volume appealing to a wider audience of researchers, teachers, and students, as well as curriculum designers and developers.
We would like to thank the authors and reviewers for their thoughtful contributions and hope the content of the volume will raise new research questions and inquiries.
On the nature of relationship between self-regulation and lexical competence
The application of objective measures of text difficulty to language examinations
Motivation in modern language studies:a pilot study in Italian language
Multilingualism in English language classrooms in Croatia:can we think outside the box?
Change in feedback practices and its effect on students’ essay-writing skills - an action research
Building visions and expectations in language teacher education:a study of Hungarian and Turkish pre-service EFL teachers
Face-to-face + online = success? What I learned from designing modular blended learning listening and speaking skills development courses at the University of Pécs
Hungarian EFL learners’ extramural contact with English
Students’ assessment of difficulty and preferences regarding L2 language skills