Kula Jankovića: spomenik kulture - pokretač održivog razvoja Ravnih kotara: baština, interkulturalizam i revitalizacija: zbornik radova


Drago Roksandić (ed)
Filozofski fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Marijeta Rajković Iveta (ed)
Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Tihana Rubić (ed)
Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia


Tekstovi koje objelodanjujemo u ovom zborniku izvorno su nastali kao produkti sudjelovanja njihovih autora u različitim aktivnostima projekta Kula Jankovića: spomenik kulture, pokretač održivog razvoja Ravnih kotara (Jankovic Castle: historic site, generating sustainable development of the Ravni Kotari region). Riječ je o projektu koji je na temelju aplikacije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu odobrila Europska komisija iz sredstava svojega programa „Preparatory actions for preserving and restoring cultural heritage in conflict areas in the Western Balkans for the year 2010“. Projekt je postao moguć nakon višegodišnjih uspješno realiziranih inicijativa u vezi s obnovom i revitalizacijom Kule Stojana Jankovića u Islamu Grčkom u suradnji s njezinim vlasnicima, potomcima književnika Vladana Desnice, od 2005. do 2011. godine. Ove su inicijative redovito poticale s Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu (Centar za komparativnohistorijske i interkulturne studije, Odsjek za etnologiju i kulturnu antropologiju, Odsjek za informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti itd.), a napose u vezi s Desničnim susretima. Programom društveno-humanističkih i kulturoloških istraživanja, posvećenih književniku Vladanu Desnici, baštiniku Kule...

U završnoj fazi rada na Projektu, u svibnju i početkom lipnja 2014. godine, na području Ravnih kotara održane su tri aktivnosti/radionice koje su rezultirale i objavom ovoga zbornika, a koje su tematizirale pitanja tradicijske kulture, njezine revitalizacije i korištenja u suvremenosti, turističkih i kulturnih resursa i potencijala ovog područja, izazova suprotstavljenih predodžbi o kulturnoj baštini i sl.

(Iz Predgovora)



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Author Biographies

Drago Roksandić, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Rođen je 12. siječnja 1948. u Petrinji. Osnovno školovanje stjecao u Sisku, Čapljini i Mostaru, a od 6. razreda kontinuirano se obrazovao u Zagrebu. To uključuje i srednjoškolsku naobrazbu, stečenu najvećim dijelom na 5. zagrebačkoj gimnaziji. Studij filozofije i sociologije započeo je 1966/67. akademske godine na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Iako studij nije prekidao, nije ga završio zbog radnih obveza u Beogradu od 1969. godine. Akademske godine 1971/72. upisao je studij povijesti na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu i redovito ga završio 1975. godine s odličnim prosjekom ocjena.

Sljedeće akademske godine, 1976/77., upisao je poslijediplomski studij povijesti na istom fakultetu, a 1978. godine izabran je za asistenta-pripravnika na Katedri za povijest naroda Jugoslavije u novom vijeku, također na tom fakultetu. Budući da je njegov magisterij trebao biti iz problematike povijesti Senja i Primorske krajine krajem 17. i početkom 18. stoljeća, tijekom 1978/79. školske godine proveo je pet mjeseci na studijskom boravku u Beču. Na Filozofskom je fakultetu u Beogradu magistrirao 1980. godine radom Bune u Senju i Primorskoj krajini 1719.-1722. godine, a potom je izabran za asistenta na navedenoj katedri. Rad je istovremeno bio prihvaćen za tiskanje u Radovima Instituta za hrvatsku povijest u Zagrebu te objelodanjen u cijelosti. Godine 1980. postao je stalni vanjski suradnik Instituta za hrvatsku povijest.

Budući da je doktorsku disertaciju trebao raditi iz problematike povijesti Hrvatske Vojne krajine pod francuskom vlašću, natjecao se za jednogodišnju francusku stipendiju, koju je i realizirao 1980/81. akademske godine. Disertaciju Vojna Hrvatska - La Croatie militaire. Krajiško društvo u Francuskom Carstvu (1809.-1813.) završio je 1986. godine, ali je zbog načelnih razloga prekinuo proceduru njezine obrane na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Prijavio ju je na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, gdje ju je i obranio 1988. godine. Iste je godine stekao zvanje znanstvenog suradnika na istom fakultetu. Disertacija je bila integralno objavljena u dva sveska u nakladi Školske knjige i Stvarnosti 1988. godine.

Godine 1989. bio je isključen iz nastave na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu, a radni odnos je prekinuo 1990. godine. U međuvremenu je boravio kao gost-predavač na Sveučilištu Yale (SAD) te na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zadru. Poslije odlaska iz Beograda natjecao se za mjesto docenta na Katedri za svjetsku povijest novog vijeka (razdoblje 1492.-1870.) Odsjeka za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, gdje je i izabran koncem 1990. godine.

Na njegovu inicijativu 1994., odnosno 1995. godine utemeljene su Hrvatsko-francuska povijesna radionica te Hrvatsko-njemačka povijesna radionica, koje kao izborni kolegiji i istraživački projekti djeluju i danas. Godine 1995. konstituirao je i Diplomsku radionicu.

Od 1. listopada 2000. godine pročelnik je Odsjeka za povijest i predstojnik Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest.

Svih je ovih godina član Uredništva Biblioteke "Clio Croatica" u "Školskoj knjizi", a početkom 1990. godine, u suradnji s profesorom Igorom Karamanom pokrenuo je biblioteku "Povijest i historija" u "Naprijedu" (sada, "Nakladi Ljevak"), koja i danas djeluje. Godine 1994., u suradnji s "Nakladom Barbat", pokrenuo je biblioteku "Homines, tempora, loci", koja isto tako i sada djeluje. U "Nakladi Barbat" jedan je od inicijatora i suradnika na projektu višesveščane hrvatske povijesti novog vijeka, tj. od 16. stoljeća do danas.

Svih proteklih godina sudjeluje u radu projekta "Temeljni dokumenti hrvatske povijesti", koji vodi prof. dr. sc. Nikša Stančić. Od 1997. godine utemeljivač je i jedan od dvojice voditelja međunarodnoga istraživačkog projekta "Triplex Confinium", koji je nastao sveučilišnom suradnjom iz Zagreba, Budimpešte i Beča. Zagrebački istraživački tim redovito održava stručne rasprave, a održane su i tri međunarodne konferencije (Budimpešta 1997., Beč 1998. i Zadar 2000.).

U svibnju 2001. u sastavu Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest na njegovu je inicijativu utemeljen Centar za komparativnohistorijske studije.

Od srpnja 1991. do lipnja 1992. godine bio je istraživač-gost u Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen u Beču. Tamo je boravio više puta i kasnije do 1999. godine kao istraživač-gost na pola godine, mjesec dana i na kratkim boravcima. U četverogodišnjem razdoblju bio je i dopisni član tog instituta kao jedan od utemeljitelja i voditelja dugoročnog istraživačkog projekta "Re-Thinking the Post-War History of Europe".

Kao gost-predavač počeo je surađivati sa Srednjoeuropskim sveučilištem u Budimpešti, a od 1995. godine na istom je sveučilištu dobio status "recurrent associate visiting professor" na History Department i ta suradnja traje do danas. Svih ovih godina, poslije 1995., radno je sudjelovao u radu velikog broja skupova u Europi, SAD i Aziji.

Marijeta Rajković Iveta, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Marijeta Rajković Iveta was born in 1976 in Sisak. She graduated Ethnology and History at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb (2003). She received her PhD in Ethnology/Cultural Anthropology in 2010. The title of her PhD thesis was: Coastal Bunjevci: Migrations (1918 – 1939), Translocalism, Acculturation, Identity. In 2004, she started working as a junior research assistant at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology. She was appointed research associate in 2012, assistant professor in 2014, and associate professor in 2019. She started teaching at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology in 2004. She created and introduced the following new courses into the curriculum: Anthropology of Migrations and Identity of Minority Cultures (since 2005, undergraduate study programme) and Contemporary Croatian Migrations in a Global Context (since 2014, postgraduate doctoral programme). She has been teaching at the Croaticum programme – Centre for Croatian as a Second and Foreign Language since 2010 (since 2017, as the holder of the course Croatian Ethnological Heritage). She participated in ten national or international scientific research projects. She has been the principal investigator on four scientific projects, among which the Croatian-Slovenian bilateral project Second Homes and Lifestyle Migration in Slovenia and Croatia (2018 – 2019), deserves a special mention. The following topics have been at the focus of her research: emigration and immigration to Croatia after Croatia’s entry into the EU (especially that of highly-skilled migrants, lifestyle migrants and refugees), return migration (from South America), integration processes, Croatian diaspora community (in Vojvodina, Boka kotorska, Austria), national and ethnic minorities in the Republic of Croatia, coethnic migration, historical anthropology and border studies. She has applied her scientific knowledge to the development of the economy, revitalization and tourism, especially in mountainous areas (projects related to the National Park Northern Velebit and Velebit Nature Park). She has published one authored book (The Czechs from Jazvenik, 2013), two co-authored books (Croats in Boka kotorska: Migrations, Wedding Customs, Identities, 2018, with M. Dronjić and Those Who Rise from Their Graves at Night: Vampires in Local Tales and Popular Culture, 2017, with V. Iveta) and has co-edited four scientific monographs, four almanacs (one of which is in English). She has also edited the Croatian translation of a German book and published about 50 scientific papers, chapters in books and professional papers in international and Croatian publications. She has applied the results of her research in the popularization of science through media, popular lectures, public panel discussions, co-authorship of exhibitions and/or catalogues of exhibitions (Town Museum of Senj, City Museum of Subotica (Republic of Serbia), Town Museum of Pakrac). She also worked on the exhibition Merika. Iseljavanje iz Srednje Europe u Ameriku 1880. – 1914. (America. Emigration from Central Europe to America 1880-1914) as a researcher and author of a feature in the exhibition catalogue. This exhibition was first set up in the City Museum of Rijeka, after which it (from 2009  to 2013) visited several museums, most notably the Ellis Island Immigration Museum (USA). She presented papers at about forty national and international conferences. She was a member of the organising and/or scientific committees of 7 conferences (6 of them international), and president of one (Contemporary Migration Trends and Flows on the Territory of Southeast Europe, 2016, Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and IMIN). Guest lectures at international conferences and universities (selection): 2018, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina; 2019, 2010, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Sofia, Bulgaria (2014, 2011) and summer schools: 2016 Summer School of Anthropology, Ethnography and Comparative Folklore on the Balkans (Konitsa, Greece); 2017 Croatian-American School of Archaeology, Anthropology and History (Krasno, Croatia). She has developed her knowledge in the field of migration, integration and minority studies at many institutions abroad: University of Malmö, Sweden (2019); University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (2019); University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (2018); Miguel Hernández University, Elche, Spain (2017); University of Regensburg, Germany (2011) and Central European University, Budapest, Hungary (2007, 2005). At the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, she has held, and still holds, several functions: Chair for Minority Cultures and Communities (2017 – today); Deputy Head of the doctoral study Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (2018 – today); Deputy Head of Department (replacement in mandate 2/2019 – 10/2019); Deputy Head of the Centre for Comparative Historical and Intercultural Studies (2018 – today); Member of the Council of the Faculty (2019 – today). She has won five awards. She received the Annual award of the Croatian Ethnological Society (Republic of Croatia) “Milovan Gavazzi” for scientific and teaching work twice: in 2018 for the co-edited volume: Contemporary Migration Trends and Flows on the Territory of Southeast Europe, and in 2009 for co-editorship of the three volumes of the monograph Living in Krivi Put. She received two international awards, one from the Institute for Culture of Croats of Vojvodina (Republic of Serbia) for the co-edited volume Bunjevci within the Context of Space and Time: 2016 the Triennial Tomo Vereš award for best book in the area of science and non-fiction for the period of 2013 – 2015 and, in 2015, the Emerik Pavić award for best book of 2014. In 2012, she was awarded the Charter of the City of Senj (Republic of Croatia) for distinguished success and achievements in ethnological research of the Senj hinterland (with M. Černelić & T. Rubić). She is member of the following professional associations and networks: Croatian Ethnological Society (HED), IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe); InASEA (International Association for Southeast European Anthropology); SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore, member of the Working Group on Migration and Mobility); Society Terra banalis, member of the Highly skilled migrants research network, Malmö University. She is one of the coordinators of mobileECA – Platform for Mobility and International Cooperation of Ethnologists and Cultural Anthropologists (with S. Lončar & P. Kelemen) at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. The main areas of her research interest are: migration (especially contemporary migration) and post-migration phenomena, minority communities, historical anthropology and border studies.
Tihana Rubić, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Tihana Rubić was born in Zagreb in 1978. In 2004 she graduated Ethnology and History of Art at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The title of her graduation thesis was “Problems and Levels of Identity on the Example of Cultural and Artistic Societies in Kordun”. The same year she started postgraduate studies of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the same faculty. She received her PhD in 2012 and her dissertation was titled “Ethnological Research of Family and Unemployment. Strategies of Survival from the 1990s till Present”. From 2007 to 2008 she worked as research assistant at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research on the project Contemporary Cultural Trends and the Formation of Communities and Identities, under the supervision of dr. Jasna Čapo Žmegač. Working on this project she defined the topic of her dissertation, and finished it under the supervision of dr. Jasna Čapo Žmegač. Since late 2008 she has worked as junior research assistant on the project Identity and Ethno-Cultural Formation of Bunjevci, under the supervision of dr. Milana Černelić, at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. She holds seminars in the courses Basic Concepts of Croatian Ethnology and Ethnocultural Overview of the World and teaches the course Anthropology of Family and Kinship. She did research on a series of national and international projects, including an FP6 project “Kinship and Social Security (KASS)” in 2005. She presented papers at about fifteen national and international conferences, published works in national and international publications and edited four books: she is the co-editor of three volumes of the monograph on the life of coastal Bunjevci, titled Živjeti na Krivom Putu (Living in Krivi Put) and the collection published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Croatian Ethnological Society (HED). In 2010 she received the Annual Award of the Croatian Ethnological Society for Excellence in Research and Teaching, and in 2012 the Charter of the Town of Senj. She received three scholarships: in Florence (Italy) in 2001, Prishtina (Kosovo) in 2007, and Halle/Saale (Germany) in 2007 at the Max Planck Institute of Social Anthropology. In her student days she co-founded and presided the Students Club “Domaći”, during the period of club’s (co)organizing of several student scientific events at home and in the region, and when it had the record number of members. Apart from former and current membership in international professional organizations (ICTM, EASA, SIEF, InASEA), she is the long-time member of the Croatian Ethnological Society (HED). As the member of HED she co-organized summers schools, was the member of the organization committee of one of its annual memorial edition, editor of the Newsletter and the member of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory board. She is currently co-heading the Club of the Croatian Ethnological Society. Her scientific interests encompass the following areas: family and kinship, social relations and formal and informal labor markets.



January 11, 2021

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