The book of yields, alms, storehouse and leases of the monastery of st. Francis near Rab (1753-1820)


Ivan Botica
Old Church Slavonic Institute, Zagreb
Tomislav Galović
University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of History
Sendi Kero


The book Libar od intrade, prošnje, magazina i fiti mostira sv. Frančiska prid Rabom (1753. – 1820.) is the result of curation and publication of original archival materials held in the Archives of the Zadar Archdiocese (Collection of Glagolitic Codices of the Zadar Archdiocese, HR-AZDN-88). It is the third book of historical sources being published in the series Monumenta glagolitica Tertii ordinis regularis sancti Francisci in Croatia / Glagoljski spomenici Trećega samostanskog reda sv. Franje u Hrvatskoj [Glagolitic Monuments of the Third Order Franciscans in Croatia].

The manuscript book of the Third Order Franciscan Monastery of St. Francis near Rab, today at Komrčar opposite Rab’s old town core, was almost entirely written in the Glagolitic cursive script used by the Third Order Glagolitic Franciscans.

It was held in the bequest of Rev. Ivan Gurato (1804-1874). This Zadar priest withdrew to Rab in 1843 after the appointment of a new archbishop. There, besides his priestly duties, he dedicated himself to gathering and transcribing various historical documents and manuscripts. These gathered manuscripts included the Glagolitic manuscript of the Third Order Franciscans on the island of Rab. Gurato bequeathed his books and manuscripts to the Cathedral Chapter of St. Anastasia in Zadar. This is how the Glagolitic manuscript in question came to Zadar. The manuscript was discovered by Rev. Zdenko Dundović, Ph.D., while conducting research into manuscripts held in the Archives of the Cathedral Chapter of St. Anastasia in Zadar in 2017. Publication of the newly-discovered manuscript was encouraged by the deceased Msgr. Pavao Kero, Ph.D. (1940-2018). This book is dedicated to that esteemed researcher and promoter of the Glagolitic heritage.

The manuscript “Book of Yields, Alms, Storehouse and Leases” of the Third Order Monastery of St. Francis near the town of Rab contains records of the monastery’s revenues, expenses, alms and operations. It is the most important text produced by this monastery. It is a unique testimony to Glagoliticism on the island of Rab. It is a repository of data for the history of economic and social relations in Kvarner and Dalmatia.


  • Predgovor
  • Uvod
  • O samostanu i crkvi
  • O rukopisu
  • O preslovljavanju
  • Redaktorski znakovi
  • Libar od intrade, prošnje, magazina i fiti mostira sv. Frančiska prid Rabom (1753. – 1820.). Transliteracija
  • Libar od intrade, prošnje, magazina i fiti mostira sv. Frančiska prid Rabom (1753. – 1820.). Faksimil
  • Manje poznate riječi
  • Sažetak
  • Summary
  • Izvori i literatura
  • Popis slikovnih priloga
  • Kazala
    Kazalo osobnih imena, Kazalo zemljopisnih imena, Predmetno kazalo


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September 29, 2021