Filozofije revolucijâ i ideje novih svjetova: Radovi trećeg Okruglog stola Odsjeka za filozofiju 2017.
The collection of papers Philosophies of Revolutions and Ideas of New Worlds brings together contributions to the third round table, held in the Department of Philosophy on October 27–28, 2017 under the same title and uniting professors, students and guests from other Faculty’s departments as well as other institutions in Croatia and abroad. The topic of the third Department’s round table is prompted by significant anniversaries of great revolutionary ruptures in Western history: 500 years of the Protestant Reformation and 100 years since the beginning of the October Revolution. Furthermore, this year marks the anniversaries of two great works of theoretical reflection on human emancipation and the possibility of a different world: 500 years of Sir Thomas More’s Utopia and 150 years of Volume One of Karl Marx’s Capital. Such significant anniversaries of key moments in the history of the modern world present an opportunity to discuss the themes emerging from the mentioned classic works in light of contemporary social conditions but through the prism of theoretical categories produced by these earlier events and reflections. These works and events make it possible to continue the consideration of the relationship between philosophical and social theories and political practice, the construction of social institutions, and the establishment of new cultural and theoretical forms in the post-capitalist world. The themes of the Third Round Table build upon the rich tradition of critical thinking at the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb and aim to further open up the space for dialogue and discussion not only between different philosophical but also other theoretical perspectives and positions.
Uvodna riječ
Revolutions and Legitimacy
Revolucija ili reforma? Ili još jednom o pitanju: ‘Što je prosvjetiteljstvo?’
Revolucija ili način postavljanja ‘komunističke hipoteze’
Oktobar 1917: revolucija, diktatura proletarijata i hegemonija u Lenjina i Gramscija
Prema post-revolucionarnom čovjeku: koncept ‘persone’ Antonija Gramscija
Pravne i državnoteorijske debate u Sovjetskom Savezu nakon Revolucije
Kontrarevolucije i njihov trajni obrazac — Osamnaesti brumaire
Čuvari kontrarevolucije: nacistička ekonomija i potčinjavanje rada
Kapitalizam kao ‘znojni sistem’: podnajamni rad i stvarna emancipacija radništva iz druge rukeê
Kapital i kritika ‘komercijalizacijskog modela’: o Marxovoj epistemološkoj revoluciji danas
Prerevolucioniranje Marxa ili kraj emancipacije? O Sohn-Rethelovoj ‘monetarizaciji’ svijesti
Revolucije u povijesti ekonomske analize: kuhnovska perspektiva
Bilješka o autorima
Indeks imena i naziva