Između individualnog i kolektivnog iskustva: Prvi svjetski rat u rumunjskom romanu


Ivana Olujić
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia


World War I (1914 – 1918) spread across the majority of Europe and was the first conflict of such proportion in history. Its ending brought significant changes in economic relations on world level, leaving a lasting demographic effect, and – by enabling the creation of new countries – it changed the geographical map of the war-ravaged area. The trauma of war was reflected in the modern novel rather shortly after these events. Writing about war, especially while its memory is still fresh to the readers’ mind, holds great responsibility, bearable only by great writers. This is why three canonical novels of Romanian literature written in the first two decades following the war have been selected for closer reflection in this book: "Forest of the Hanged by Liviu Rebreanu" (1922), "The Dragon" by Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu (1923) and "The Last Night of Love, The First Night of War" by Camil Petrescu (1930). All three share the theme of World War I, but each of the three authors approaches it with different experiences, builds different structure and chooses different narrative techniques. Thus, the reader is offered three different perspectives of Romania and the war.


  • Uvod
  • Rumunjska u Prvom svjetskom ratu
  • Ratni roman međuratnoga razdoblja u rumunjskoj književnosti
  • Teorijska polazišta
  • Književni kontekst – polemika „Zašto nemamo roman?“ u rumunjskom međuraću
  • Šuma obješenih, Zmaj, Posljednja noć ljubavi, prva noć rata – opća obilježja
  • Prvi svjetski rat i rumunjski moderni roman
  • Govoriti o ratu
  • Zaključci
  • Životopisi autora
  • Izvori i literatura
  • Summary
  • Rezumat


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Author Biography

Ivana Olujić, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Ivana Olujić was born in Sinj in 1976. She completed the primary and secondary school in Split. In 1995, she enrolled in the study of History and Croatian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. In the course of the study, she attended the optional study of Romanian Language and summer schools of Romanian language and culture. She obtained her PhD degree in 2012 with the thesis "The Last Night of Love, the First Night of War by Camil Petrescu in comparison with Milan Begović's Giga Barić". Since 2004, she has been employed at the Division for Romanian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. She became associate professor in 2022. She spent the academic year 2006/2007 at the University in Bucharest as a language instructor for Croatian. She translates literature, mostly contemporary literary texts. She participates at scientific conferences and publishes scientific papers regularly. Since 2021, she is the head of the project Kajkavians and Šokci in the Romanian Banat.



December 7, 2023

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Publication date (01)