Literature and Revolutions


Zrinka Božić (ed)
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Croatian Language and Literature
Marina Protrka Štimec (ed)
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Croatian Language and Literature
Ana Tomljenović (ed)
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Comparative Literature


The collection of essays "Literature and Revolutions" gathers the contributions of the final conference of the Croatian Science Foundation project (Literary Revolutions IP-01-2018-7020), which took place from 29. XI. to 1. XII. 2022. This book focuses primarily on exploring the legacy of the avant-garde in the literary and social sphere, starting from a contemporary, critical approach to the historical avant-garde in the broader Central European and South Slavic context. Considering the ways in which radical political and poetic changes in the artistic sphere are brought about through literary practices, this collection of articles traces analogous processes and relationships in the historical revolutionary years. In accordance with the aims of the project, the following research questions were posed: What is the relationship between literary revolutions and paradigm shifts: in literary theory and literary history, in models, types, concepts of language and literariness, authorial practices and poetics? Is it possible to redefine and reinterpret the avant-garde as a historical, transhistorical and supranational concept?

In addition to developing a theoretical-methodological paradigm for understanding and analyzing concepts of literary revolutions based on the esthetic autonomy of literature, the aim of this book is to grasp the emancipatory potential of literature and the radical changes in poetic expression, especially in relation to the concepts of utopia and optimal projection, according to which the individual literary heresies also develop. The authors of this book pursue these questions about the processuality and continuity of the post-avant-garde literary revolution. By combining their theoretical and methodological interest in avant-garde controversies, revolutions, schools and influences with their interest in the literary text, they offer new readings and interpretations in this book. Their revaluation impulse is reflected in the interpretations of the authors' interventions (Krleža, Ujević, Kamov, Cesarec, Ristić, Marinković, Šinko), the laws of genre (drama, novel, poetry), collective and individual aspirations in the context of the performing arts and ecology, post-Yugoslav literature, postcolonialism and capitalism, feminism and queer theory.



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Author Biographies

Zrinka Božić, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Croatian Language and Literature

Zrinka Božić is Associate Professor of Literary Theory and History at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb (Department of Croatian Language and Literature). Her research interests include narrative theory, intersections between literature and philosophy, the position of literature and literary theory in relation to politics, avant-garde theory and practice, theories of representation and problems of testimony. She is currently the head of the Horizon Europe project The Cartography of the Political Novel in Europe (CAPONEU). She is the author of Iz perspektive smrti: Heidegger i drugi (Plejada, 2012) and The Community in Avant-Garde Literature and Politics (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022) and co-editor (with Davor Beganović, Andrea Milanko, and Ivana Perica) of Procedures of Resisstance: Contents, Positions, and the ‘Doings’ of Literary Theory (Palgrave Macmillan, 2024).

Marina Protrka Štimec, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Croatian Language and Literature

Marina Protrka Štimec is Associate Professor of Modern and contemporary Croatian Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (Department of Croatian Language and Literature). Her scientific interests include the formation of the literary canon, theories of authorship, modernism and the avant-garde, discourse analysis and postcolonial theory.

She is the author of Stvaranje književne nacije. Oblikovanje kanona u hrvatskoj književnoj periodici 19. stoljeća [Inventing the Literary Nation. Canon Formation in 19th Century Croatian Literary Periodicals] (2008) and Politike autorstva. Kanon, zajednica i pamćenje u novijoj hrvatskoj književnosti [Politics of Authorship. Canon, Community and Memory in Modern Croatian Literature] (2019). She is co-editor of Veliki vidar. Stoljeće Grigora Viteza. [The Great Healer: A Century of Grigor Vitez] (2013, with D. Zalar and D. Zima), “Ja kao svoja slika”: diskurzivnost i koncepti autorstva Tina Ujevića ["Me as My Image": Tin Ujević's Discursivity and Authorships Concepts] (2020, with A. Ryznar) and Književnost: motori i hambari. Zbornik radova u čast Vinka Brešića [The Literature as Engines and Barns. Festschrift in Honour of Vinko Brešić] (2022, with S. Coha). She was principal investigator of the Croatian Science Foundation-funded project Literary Revolutions (2018-2023; IP-01-2018-702), and now collaborator of the Horizon project The Cartography of the Political Novel in Europe (CAPONEU 2023-2027).

Ana Tomljenović, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Comparative Literature

Ana Tomljenović is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb (Department of Comparative Literature). Her research interests include literary theory and history, intersections between literature and philosophy, psychoanalytic and feminist literary criticism. She is currently a team member of Horizon Europe project The Cartography of the Political Novel in Europe (CAPONEU 2023-2027). She is the author of Uvod u feminističku književnu kritiku (with Lada Čale Feldman, Leykam International, 2012) and Ibsenova 'druga scena' (Disput, 2018)  and co-editor (with Ivan Majić and Andrea Milanko) of Dosezi psihoanalize: književnost, izvedbene umjetnosti, film i kultura (Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 2015).

Književnost i revolucije



July 10, 2024

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ISBN-13 (15)


Publication date (01)


Details about the available publication format: Print edition

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ISBN-13 (15)


Publication date (01)


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