Bibliografija hrvatskih književnih časopisa 19. stoljeća: Sv. 3, Književna zabava (1869) - Iskra (1891)


Vinko Brešić
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb


U trećem svesku, držeći se kronologije, obrađeno je još 16 časopisa: od "Književne zabave hrvatsko-srbske" (1869.) do obnovljene zadarske "Iskre" (1891.). Uz časopise se nalaze imenska kazala suradnika. Ova je bibliografija rezultat istraživanja i rada na projektu Hrvatska književna periodika 19. stoljeća, br. 130704. Suradnice na bibliografiji bile su mr. sc. Marina Protrka i Suzana Coha.


  • Bibliografija
  • Napomene uz bibliografiju
  • 19. Kazalo autora
  • 20. HRVATSKI SOKOL (1870)
  • 20. Kazalo autora
  • 21. BUNJEVAČKA I ŠOKAČKA VILA ([1871]-1876)
  • 21. Kazalo autora
  • 22. HRVATSKA LIPA (1875)
  • 22. Kazalo autora
  • 23. SLOVINAC (1878-1884)
  • 23. Kazalo autora
  • 24. HRVATSKA (1880-1881)
  • 25. ZVIEZDA (1881)
  • 25. Kazalo autora
  • 26. HRVATSKA VILA (1882-1884)
  • 26. Kazalo autora
  • 27. KNJIŽEVNA SMOTRA (1883-1894)
  • 27. Kazalo autora
  • 28. NADA (1883)
  • 28. Kazalo autora
  • 29. HRVATSKA (1884-1898) / HRVATSKA KRUNA (1890-1893)
  • 29. Kazalo autora
  • 30. ZORA (1884-1889)
  • 30. Kazalo autora
  • 31. ISKRA (1884-1887)
  • 31. Kazalo autora
  • 32. VUK (1885)
  • 32. Kazalo autora
  • 33. HRVATSKA OMLADINA (1885-1886)
  • 33. Kazalo autora
  • 34. BALKAN (1886-1887)
  • 34. Kazalo autora
  • 35. ISKRA (1891-1894)
  • 35. Kazalo autora
  • Napomene uz treći svezak


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Author Biography

Vinko Brešić, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

VINKO BREŠIĆ (1952)­ – literary historian and university professor; elementary and secondary school completed in Slavonski Brod, and obtained a degree in literature and philosophy at the College of Arts and Humanities in Zagreb, where he got his master's and doctor's degree and where he is working today as a professor at the Department for modern Croatian literature. Professionally directed towards the field of modern, post-Illyrian literature, apart from about ten published books, he edited the editions of works of twenty or so Croatian writers of the 19th and 20th century, compiled several anthologies and collected papers, and also established and edited a magazine for poetry named „Zrcalo“ („The Mirror“; 1991-1994). He also lectured at other Croatian as well as foreign universities and participated in many national and international symposia which resulted in numerous dissertations, scientific papers, essays and reviews.



24. April 2020.

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